Tips For Dealing With Old Residential Heating Oil

4 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are going through an old house that you have either purchased or inherited, you might find an old heater in the basement that runs on heating oil. There might still be heating oil in the heater. You might not know if the oil is still usable or if you will need to get rid of it. You might not even know how to get rid of it. Here are some tips for dealing with old residential heating oil.

1. Get More Information If You Know the Manufacturing Company

If you can ascertain who the manufacturers of the oil are, then you can call them to find out more about the oil. If you can find out how old the heating oil is, then you will be able to provide that information to the people at the heating oil company and will be able to ask them if additives were put into the oil that would extend its life to the length of time that it has been sitting, unused, in the heater.

If you are unable to figure out how old the oil is, you will be able to talk to the manufacturer to determine if you can add any substance to the heating oil, such as a restorative product, to make the heating oil usable again. The manufacturer is going to be your best source of information about whether or not the oil is still usable.

2. Get Rid of It If You Don't Know the Manufacturing Company

If you are not able to find the company that manufactured the oil, then your first step is to call the company that is supplying you with the oil and ask if they would be willing to pump it out. Make sure that you provide the last date of delivery so that you know that the company will not accidentally try to sell this oil to another customer and have it not work. Call all of the heating companies in the area until you find one that is willing to provide you this service for a fee. They will know best how to dispose of the oil. Once you have the tank drained of oil, you can decide to either restore it or get rid of it. For environmental reasons, you should never dispose of a tank that still has oil in it.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in heating oil, such as Cash Oil.
