3 Tips for Maintaining Your Septic Tank

3 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner, you might find it easy to forget about certain aspects of home maintenance. After all, you might already put so much focus on things like maintaining your roof, your heating and air-conditioning system, and other parts of your home that you might forget about things like your septic tank. If you are like many people, "out of sight and out of mind" might apply to your septic tank and the accompanying system.

However, your septic tank is critical for handling wastewater from all over your home, and septic-system problems can be expensive if they pop up unexpectedly. However, good maintenance can help prevent problems with your septic system. These are a few tips that can help you keep your septic tank in good condition.

1. Minimize Water Waste in Your Home

Many people think about minimizing their water waste because they worry about the environment or the cost of their water bill. Both of these things are important, but there is an additional reason to consider reducing water waste in your home: you don't want to put too much of a strain on your septic system. If you minimize water usage by cutting down on the length of your showers and not washing all of your laundry in one day, for example, you can help give your septic tank time to keep up with the water that is used in your home. This can help prevent an overload on your system.

2. Avoid Pouring the Wrong Things Down the Drain

Whatever goes down your drains will head to your septic tank. In general, your septic tank is not designed to break down oil or grease, chemicals, cat litter, or other similar items. It really is best to only dispose of water, waste, and toilet paper. Otherwise, you could be putting things down the toilet or sink that could cause septic-tank issues.

3. Have Your Septic Tank Maintained Regularly

Even if you do a great job of taking care of your septic tank, there are jobs that are meant only for professionals. For example, it's important to have your septic tank checked out and pumped as needed. How often this needs to happen depends on a couple of things, such as how big your septic tank is and how many people are using water in your home, so it's smart to talk to a pro about the best maintenance plan for your septic-tank system.

Maintaining your septic tank is easier than you probably think, but it's not something that you should ignore either. Luckily, following these tips can help you maintain your septic tank properly so that it will last for as long as possible with minimal issues.

Visit sites like http://www.southernsanitarysystems.com to find companies that can help you with septic maintenance. 
