Procedures Needed To Ensure Healthy Food Packaging In A Slaughterhouse

28 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Despite the modern practices meant to keep food clean and free of bacteria, slaughterhouses generally require a little more persistent effort in the realm of food packaging. If your slaughterhouse needs more sterile food packaging to prevent food-born illnesses, there are some procedures that can help, in addition to not using chemicals to treat the meat before it is packaged.

Hanging Dissection Instead of Table Cutting

Most slaughterhouses tend to lay the meat on a table to trim fat, cut the meat into various chunks and cuts, and then cut the meat away from bone and connective tissue. This leaves the meat in a pool of blood, increasing the risk of internal diseases from the carcasses and trimmings that are not consumed by humans (although they may be salvaged for animal food). When your slaughterhouse processes meat this way, it means that you will probably have to wash and/or sanitize the meat before it is packaged. You can avoid some of these meat sanitation tactics by hanging the meat on a production line and cutting or processing the meat while it hangs. This allows the blood and less valuable bits of meat to fall to the cutting floor or into a collection tub if the meat trimmings are to be used for pet food.

Hospital-Grade Sanitation of Tools 

At the end of the day, all of your tools should be processed through hospital grade sanitation procedures. This means washing, steaming, and placing all of the cutting blades and knives in autoclaves overnight. It is also wise to immediately replace any knives or cutting instruments that meet the floor or that have crossed through the remnants of the bowels of an animal. Avoiding this type of cross-contamination eliminates the possibility that stomach acids, feces, blood, and urine touch the meat as it is being processed.

Food Packaging

Sterile anti-static nylon in food packaging can help with the final steps of processing meat without the use of chemicals. The anti-static nylon films can wrap the meat and not create any static, which may cause issues with freezing, preserving and shipping the meat. Wrap the meat first in this film, and then place it on an packaging tray before wrapping it again. Flash-freezing the anti-static nylon wrapping along with the meat is not only possible, but also a very good use of this type of plastic film.  Your slaughterhouse can buy it in massive rolls. Contact a company like KNF Corporation for more information.
